Sunday, March 16, 2014

Some days they make me proud!

A big proud Mommy moment happened today. My oldest son has Asperger's Syndrome. It is on the autistic spectrum. He is quite high functioning, but he surely has his challenges. Well Mr. M decided not to do his oral presentation at school on Wednesday- and might fail his assignment as a result. So I gave him the assignment of  leading the corporate prayer at church service on Sunday. When I do the scripture reading, I also lead the corporate prayer. So Mr. M got up and stood with me while I did the scripture reading and he led the corporate prayer. He did a great job! He went right up with me and when I gave him the mic he said,"Please join me in the corporate prayer." and started. He was quiet but he did it! I'm quite proud if him! This was huge for a kid on the spectrum! I mean really- I couldn't believe he did it. He gets so nervous about any public activity- so he psyched himself up and did a wonderful job. He did ask me later not to have him do that again. I told him No- you need this.
I hope you all are having amazing days as well!

1 comment:

  1. excellent! Tell M I said congratulations and I'm sorry I missed it!


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