Sunday, June 12, 2011

Unwell by MATCHBOX 20

Hi everyone!  So for a few days I was trying to get this song out of my head.  I think God may have been trying to tell me something here.   The chorus of this song is "I'm not crazy I'm just a little unwell, I know right now you can't tell but stay a while maybe then you'll see a different side of me.  I'm not crazy I'm just a little impaired, I know right now you don't care, but soon enough you're gonna think of me and how I used to be."
It is a song of transition.  This is the theme of my life right now- my kids are both going to new schools in September, my church especially is at a crossroads and I myself am having questions as to where I am supposed to be regarding work/ stay at home/ helping people etc. 
So please bear with me for a while- I am here just a little unwell, but I'll be showing a different side soon I hope! :o)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Ok so today while waiting for my son's tutor to arrive, I was doodling and I drew an arrow.  It started as a very long line and the point was long and skinny...I added feathers to the back and realised it was not that kind of arrow...So once the tutor arrived, I went into the living room, dusted off my art kit, and opened the pencils.  A red pencil practically threw its self at just was that obvious I needed to use it.  And I tried to draw the has no tail- it is ramrod straight- it is very long- and it is pointing a narrow way.  Mine is red but yours may be a different color- who knows?  This arrow is our Destiny!  God's purpose for us NEVER changes although often the activities change, our purpose to be here never does.   we occasionally are the arrow itsself when we are acting out our destiny- and sometimes we are just the staff of the arrow- following where God leads us.  What part of the arrow are you at?  I'm never sure what part I'm in...but I know that it is always there and I am always a part of it!