Ok, so the other day I found my oldest son looking very closely at the rims of the plates when he was setting the table.
"Are you looking for the chip?"
"Yes, I know how you like that one- I was going to give it to you!" with a big smile- he was thinking of his Mom!
"WHAT??!!" I yelled then after peals of laughter...I was able to speak again,"Honey, I don't like the chipped plate. I set the table as an act of serving you and your brother and Daddy. It is an act of humility- humbling yourself. When as a host or hostess you put other's needs first. Kind of like when your Grandmother serves you kids first then Grandpa, then Daddy etc and she serves herself last. So when you set the table- you should take the chipped plate if it comes up." Chuckle "Thanks for thinking of me though!"
Well, the kid got it- the next day he set the chipped plate at his place. I am so proud of this boy- he is growing up to be a gentleman. :o)
The Chipped Heart
5 years ago
:) That's a great story