I have recently had a close friend move away. Although I was saddened by the loss I would incur from them leaving, I knew it was a final decision and I encouraged them with my whole heart. And you know what? My friend leaving allowed me to feel and process through a lot of issues I had been avoiding dealing with for years. They haven't been gone a full year yet- but I feel if they showed up today it would be obvious by my actions and my attitudes that I have grown immeasurably in their absence. It is obvious to me that much of that growth was actually caused by their absence. Sometimes what looks like an ending is actually a new beginning. You do know that every beginning comes from an ending, right?
So today I was musing about endings and beginnings. My eldest child takes the SAT's this weekend- he will graduate from High School in June. It is a bittersweet time. He has done amazingly well this year in school- grown so much in his 4 years at the High School- but the future is a big question mark. We have no idea what he will be doing in the future.
Anyway- it is an ending and a beginning all over again.
So- are you embracing a new beginning or are you mourning the ending? The choice is yours- there isn't a wrong answer. I would like to encourage you to jump right in and embrace your life- because the ending doesn't mean time stops.