Today, I mentioned to my oldest- the High School Senior- and asked why he never told me he had his books knocked out of his hands in Middle School. He told me that he doesn't remember it. I only know about it because in January, the Mom of one of his classmates told me that her son got in trouble many times for yelling at the kids who did it. I am glad that my son has no recollection of the bullying which he was subjected to. That it has not caused him to be bitter or angry towards these boys. At the same time it makes me sad that he was bullied and had no safe place to go to with it.
Especially in Middle School, ask the questions that you don't want to hear the answers of. Please! It is better not to let them 'forget' and process it in silence. My son is 'lucky' and obviously skilled in blocking things out. I am concerned that when it does come to the surface that it will be difficult for him to deal with.