Monday, November 17, 2014
The things they tell us....and omit
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Confessions of a FaceBook addict
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Reflections on 9/11/2001- 13 years later
Today I am grateful for the people in my life. I am grateful because although everyone I knew 13 years ago today knew at least one person who was in Manhattan, the majority of stories I heard was 'how impossible it was to get home' type of stories. A couple of near misses, people trapped on the subway, and one truly exhausting-just-to-hear-it trek all through Manhattan and Brooklyn to get home are what I heard over the next week. There was incredible loss that day, but the people of my area- they showed their strength! By donating undergarments to the rescue workers, by reminding each other how lucky we were to be here, by showing small acts of kindness to everyone because life is too short. I did hear my share of harrowing stories from those who live closer to the city than I do. The heart of the people in my city and on my island- it is pure gold. The rude, rushing, obnoxious reputation is the tough, gruff exterior to our amazing giving hearts. So today I am grateful for the humanity of the people of New York City and the surrounding areas- because despite tragedy we found something to hope in and be thankful for.