Hi everyone! Sorry it has been a long time since I posted here. You see, I have been ill, depressed and for a brief stay in the hospital. I do not want our pity or condolences. I have a new lease on life! I am healthier than I have been in years, losing weight, and generally happier as well. But that is not what this post was going to be about.
I titled it Who I Am because in Cyberland, no one truly gets to know one another. You only see what I put out. Usually the best moments but not always. So here goes who I am:
I am unique! If nothing else this can always be said about me. Life is perceived differently by me than by anyone else in existence. And I will occasionally find people who see part of life similarly and I celebrate being in a group then. For the most part- a group of one is OK because my views and experiences are fundamentally different.
I am a left handed person. Believe it or not, it affects my whole life. From how I set up my kitchen to how doors open to what organized means- left handed people are very creative and not quite like those righty's in our lives. It would be dull without them!
I am an artist! I finally am embracing this fact after many years of not acknowledging it as a gift or calling. I love to create: with words, pencils, paint, clay, plaster, yarn(I crochet a bit.)
I am extremely creative. But I live with a right handed whom I love so my house does not totally reflect it!
I am organizationally lacking skills. Yup- some hoarders just can't find their stuff so they go out and buy another! And another, and another, and then they need help decluttering! That is me to a tee! My house does not resemble hoarders but areas are not walk able. I am getting better by ours hashing less as a rule.
I am a procrastinator.... So last minute is my deal.
I am an animal lover like you have no idea! My kitten is my youngest baby!
I am a wife. Enough said.
I am a domestic engineer. That is a housewife who gets things done- but my way thank you but in my way and on my timeline.
I am a Mom! I have 2 amazing boys! They are my heart and all of my energy goes into creating a place for them to thrive! (aside from my me time- but I can't help them if I am spent either)
I am a daughter and sister and love my family- those who are genetic and those whom have gotten into my heart!
I am diabetic. I am told there is no cure- I will have to watch my food and exercise the rest of my life- but shouldn't we all?
I am getting thinner! No longer the fat lady in my mind! This is amazing! Maybe I will soon look like I picture myself in my mind's eye!
I am a Jewish-born Christian- again unique perspective is not always easy here. Things don't always make sense, but they usually do.
I am me! And I know that I was created for something very special and I am alive to do it!
The Chipped Heart
5 years ago