Monday, January 9, 2012

reflections on seeing a little child play...

Look at her, so sweet and innocent
so adorable in her unconscious ways.
I had children like that,
so beautiful, handsome, sweet
and they still are...but
the teenage years are taking their innocence from them
their childish cuteness being slowly replaced by adult handsomeness,
their sweetness often replaced by teen aged angst,
but they are still there, my sweet children
underneath the obnoxious ways and teenage attitudes,
and when they emerge from the age of the teen, they will still be in there,
my sweet thoughtful boys who were so innocent then.
They will have more wisdom,
their innocence not as pure,
but their golden hearts of love will shine through.
I am waiting to welcome them back from this journey, my sweet babies, as grown men.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A New Year- a prayer for Michael

ok.. I just felt like writing, not about New Year's Resolutions- they never work for me.  Maybe about the kids...

Well, when Michael was going to be going to High School, I thought," Uh,oh! Better warn the High School- I hope they can handle this kid!"
I was assured that he was not the first nor the last with his issues to come through these problems, Mrs. Campbell, we will help him to excell.
Now almost 1/2 way through the school year, they are finally getting a grasp of who Michael truly is and why I was so nervous in the Spring.  It took 4 months for them to even scratch the surface of who my son is! :o(
It drives me nuts when people in the school do not fully listen to the parent in their assessment of a child.  And yes, he is still a child.  He has the body of a man- he is 5ft 5 1/2 inches and still growing- but he is a child.  He is only 14- ok almost 15.  I can't wait until he is fully a man and can accept responsibility for his actions or lack thereof... but he is not there yet.  Real life is not always easy and I'm afraid for him.  In 4 years he will either be in college, trade school, or working.  I pray he will learn social skills and responsibility in the next 3 years- enough to make it in this world.  To have friends and still get his work done.  To make those decisions which will help him to grow up- because we all know that we grew up more in those years between High School and age like 25 or so! (At least I did!)   
So- I guess this is my prayer for Michael- with his autistic issues and his amazing smile and heart!  His joy for anything funny and his interests in forensics, animals escpecially Yoda, and science!  He loves to laugh.. if people would only break through his anxiety they would see that.  And he has a heart of gold.  That God would bless him and help him... all of his days.