Friday, January 22, 2010


I finally get giving, I think. Please understand that I try my best not to be stingy, and give when it is possible, but today changed my perspective on giving.
My youngest comes running down stairs this morning with a dollar bill in his hand and a huge smile on his face.
"What's up?"
He stops. A very serious look covers his face.
"Mom, did you hear about what happened in Haiti?"
"You mean the earthquake? Yeah, many people got hurt and homes were crushed."
He brightens up.
"It's Hats for Haiti Day so I'm bringing in money and I'm wearing a hat in school all day today!"
"You are bringing your money from your allowance?"
"Yup" I can see his proud smile- he knows he is doing something good and worthwhile!
"Wow, that's really generous!"
"Thanks Mom! Can I wear Dad's Mets hat?"

God wants us to give joyfully- no matter how little we give- and be glad we did it. My son has many dollars he is saving for some important purchase. He gave a dollar to people in need. He is proud that he gave anything. I think that is really my point. Stop judging yourself about how much or little you give...A Joyful gift is more important than how much you give or how often ...
Isn't it?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A surprising quote...

Never design your character like a garden where anyone can walk. Design your character like the sky where everyone desire to reach.- Hitler
From a man I was taught to hate because he killed millions of Jews, blacks, gypsys etc- comes a truly amazing quote. The last bunch of years, I have been learning that character is more important than gifting. Hitler had it right when he said design it like the sky- we want character that is pure, not prideful. That's where I part from his views on this subject. I probably do not agree with anything else the man said or did, but found this to be ironic and interesting.

The Sumo Wrestler!!!!

Ok, so some of you do not know my boys. As of three months ago, they are 12 3/4 yrs old weighing in at 62 1/2 lbs and 9 1/4 yrs weighing in at 50 1/2 lbs. I was on the computer yesterday and heard this really loud THUMP! I ran down stairs yelling,"what fell?" As I am running down the stairs I see the older one sticks his face around the stairs and runs away yelling,"Mom's coming down!" I'm now thinking not only did something fall- but it must have broken too.
I find both children in the kitchen pretending like they have been studiously doing Homework- no one is fooled.
"What was that loud thump? " I asked loudly.
"Nothing" my oldest replies. The youngest is giggling quitely.
"No, there was a loud thump and I need to make sure everything is ok"
"Nothing fell, nothing broke" he continues with a big smile. His Mother distrusts this smile.
"What made that noise then?"
"I did"
"You did?" Remember even with his recent growth he may be 65 lbs soaking wet!" How?"
"I was Sumo wrestling!"He says proudly and demonstrates the biggest thumping step I have ever heard short of elephant steps.
"Whom were you wrestling?" I pursue with fear in my voice.
"No one, Bro was being a scared little kitten."
OK, are you laughing yet? When I tried to tell my hubby- it took 3 or 4 tries to get to the words Sumo Wrestling I was laughing so hard! How can someone so light make such a loud thump?
Figured you might need a smile today- this is the one my child gave me for my 18th anniversary- enjoy!